Snap a photo of potholes, trash piles, sidewalk obstructions, snow buildup, fallen trees, graffiti, or any public issue. Our AI decribes the issue and connects these cleanup jobs with contractors ready to fix them.
From spotting issues to completed fixes - our simple process connects problems with solutions
Take a photo of potholes, trash, fallen trees, graffiti, snow buildup, or other issues. Our AI will analyze and categorize the job.
Local community members can verify and prioritize reported cleanup needs.
Qualified cleanup contractors can select jobs, track progress, and document completion.
Our platform handles a wide range of community issues that need attention
Our platform makes community cleanup efforts more efficient and transparent
Our AI can identify cleanup requirements from just a photo, categorizing and prioritizing needs.
Automatically map cleanup needs to help contractors find nearby opportunities.
Get community issues addressed quickly with our streamlined contractor matching.
Coordinate with contractors and volunteers using our integrated scheduling system.
All cleanup contractors are verified and reviewed for environmental compliance.
Contractors submit before/after photos to document successful cleanup completion.
Report issues with a quick photo or earn money completing cleanup jobs - your community needs you!